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About Me

Blessings, My name is Ginger Cleland, a native Florida gal, a person of strong faith, Shamanic Practioner,, and spiritualist.  I have always had a heart for people and unconditional love.

 I am an LMT (#MA92546), experienced Reiki Master, 

Certified :

Acupressurist, Manual Lymphatic Drainage Therapist (MLDT),  Neuromuscular Therapy and Assessment, PTSD & Anxiety Disorder Specialist, Spiritual Mentor


**I am blessed and honored to be the Sacred Ceremony Facilitator for a 3 day Energy Healing & Shamanic Detox Retreat in Orlando, FL. **​

Please go to for more details



 I love encouraging, helping others to understand their spiritual side, facilitate their own healing, and discover the gentle power of the healing arts. As a tool used by God and the Universe, I enjoy being able to bridge the gap between western medicine and the “alternatives,” while providing a safe and nurturing atmosphere in which to walk their path with love and empowerment.

Practitioner, Healer, Owner, Intuitive, Therapist
About: About
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